01 April 2009

Let it grow on you...

My dad still forgets I am a vegetarian. Really I am a pescetarian. Nevertheless, he still thinks I eat chicken. The usual chorus follows, "Daddy, I haven't had chicken in ten years." Cute, loving eyes look at him. Laugh it off. And then he says, "Fine. Fish. Can you eat here?" Not such cute, loving eyes look at me. "Yes, Daddy. I can eat here." 

Ten years without chicken. Twelve years without all other forms of birds and mammals. 

This choice came out of an over awareness of my parents' health problems. I was that teenager who took everything seriously. During my middle school years, the mom had a restricted diet due to high blood pressure and cholesterol. My internal monologue started: "I can prevent this now. I will prevent this. No meat. Ever again. Go."

So, I did it. Lordy lord, I wish I had this kind of will power now. I am working on it. (It is easy to over eat the carbs when a veggie and/or pescie.)  This time of year allows for a wonderful renewal in good dieting. Not dieting in the sense you are imagining. But my diet. What I eat and drink on a daily basis to be healthy. It is the start of a glorious season of fresh fruits and vegetables. When I crave salads. Glorious season.  And it lasts for months and months. Strawberries, cantaloupes, and grapes oh my!

Try it for a day or week. It will grow on you. If you have questions, I can offer helpful hints. Best sources of iron. Good meat replacements. I know how to make tacos, sloppy joes, and chili that seem like ground beef. I can help you get started. Yes, it saves the animals! But it is about being healthy in this glorious season of bounty. A feast of rich colors and textures. I wish I could have a garden. One day.

Grow upon grow,

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