23 June 2009

9 Pints

Yesterday was one of those learning experiences. You read right. Multiple moments of learning. First hospital visit. First "birthday" party.* First shrug off. First open arms, coming running at you hug.

All those firsts tell you lots about ministry. You never know what ministry is. I know, I know. It doesn't make much sense. But you can't classify ministry. What is. What isn't. Me stopping in the hall to hear about an upcoming doctor's visit is just as urgent as the visit to the hospital of the individual receiving the ninth pint of blood in less than 48 hours.

One may seem more important. It may just seem that way. But not to the person. Not to the face. Not to the shaking voice worried about results. Or not to the gleeful smile wanting to share about winning BINGO.

The thing I've learned most: age. You can't judge anything by age. Of more accurately speaking, I can't guess age. I've met more centenarians than I can count. Literally. And non of them look or act it. I love it. I love the surprise. Oh, you're a 103? You don't say. Oh, you just celebrated 101? I can only hope. Always a pleasant surprise.

Other things that have me leaning outside the comfort of what I know:
1. Leading singing. Me, the one who can't carry a note. I am leading hymns.
2. Spacial barriers. You have to get close. Touch. Hold hands. Get face-to-face. Eye to eye. Mouth to ear. Yell even. It's not a might; it is a must.
3. I wish life would have granted me more time with my grandparents.

Learning daily, daily learning,

*They have monthly "birthday" parties and everyone comes. There is cake involved. And singing. Maybe even a little dancing. When is the last time you did the Twist?

1 comment:

JM said...

When I read the title '9' pints I thought your post had something to do with beer. haha I have a lot of elderly customers and they remind me of my grandparents and one almost made me cry today. I love them! I want to celebrate monthly birthdays too! unfortunately not every month has 31 days. crying shame that is!