April 3, 1984-Today
WV to Ohio to Talmo to Jackson County to LaGrange to Macon
Dearest Roommate,
I really wanted to pull out high school pictures, but I am not cruel. I mean, not that cruel.
When I tell people that I had the same roommate for four years...well, they are dumbfounded. Then I explain we have been friends since middle school (yes bloggies, middle school). I love you. Deeply. You get it. You get me. Thank goodness someone does.
Now, let's cover some of our phases:
1. Haymore's Class=Second Home (Praise Jesus! We would have not made it through senior year.)
2. Boys suck! Throw rocks at them! (That didn't last. See photo #1.)
3. Gilmore Girls (Still wish that was our life. Around age 60 we will get another opportunity to watch together.)
4. Bugs (The only time I really wanted to divorce you. Maybe. Nah. They did smell. Badly.)
5. BEAT sits between Boy and Girl while watching House (So glad the Boy was willing to put up with me. He misses me. You and I know the truth!)
6. Did you know ovaries feel like peeled grapes? (Recent phase. So damn funny. I am so happy you are going to be the rich one.)
There are so many other stages. Really, how many times have you wanted to divorce me? As much as I love you, I am the biggest pain in the ass. How do you do it?
The depth of our relationship is only something we know. Saturday morning wake-ups. Cry fests with your head in my lap. Stress busting by cleaning. Long drives accompanied by Wendy's. Speaking of, there are those oh-so-comforting crab and cheese ragoons. Notecards. Milk with ice. You freeze. I'm hot. The truth about family dynamics. RA rounds. Email exchanges. Easy bake oven. Camping chair therapy.
I am grateful for your friendship. I am lucky. This world is blessed by having you on it. You care about people. Praise God that you are going to be a doctor. A good doctor. Loving. Caring. Kind. Compassionate.
Once again, why didn't you divorce me? Especially sophomore year.
Happy Birthday! Don't be mad about the bat picture above. And I was skinny once upon a time. I mean as skinny as I can be with a linebacker's frame.
Thanks for loving me. I cannot do it without you. I mean it. Always, forever and forever, always.
ps: Phase 7. Let's play dress up... (Probably my favorite phase because it continues.)