27 May 2009
24 May 2009
My Mecca
22 May 2009
Photo Friday: Garden in the Urban Community
20 May 2009
19 May 2009
Music of the Moment
17 May 2009
Friendship Is Not Like A Booty Call
16 May 2009
15 May 2009
Photo Friday: Church in the City
I am back in class. Maymester. Lovely. It is an extremely emotional course about the church in the urban community. How does the church respond to such injustices as: food deserts, violence, homelessness, and unfair working conditions? How does the church promote: living wages, education, and health care? That is what I've spent the last four days discussing. And I have five more days to go. I am emotionally drained. And almost physically. Twelve hour days can be tough.
12 May 2009
Music of the Moment
11 May 2009
Wedding Season
Really cool service with a candle lighting ceremony. Spectacular music. Yummy food. Lots of dancing. Divinity friends know how to cut a rug. And close down a party. Always the last standing.
09 May 2009
Call, Release, Proclaim
08 May 2009
06 May 2009
Service of Celebration

"As one of your communities we have been privileged to experience your many gifts over the last few years. We know that these gifts – of kindness, of loving justice, of hospitality, of compassion, of love of study, of imagination for what can be…. are gifts from God. The fact that our various institutional churches have unjust roadblocks to ordination does not negate or diminish these gifts. God has animated your life with the Divine Spirit, and the truth is you do not need anybody’s blessing to be about God’s work in the world. The broken places of our world actually don’t care too much about credentials.But – let us not be naïve -- we live in a world where credentials still matter. There will be some professional opportunities that are not available to you because of your gender or your sexual orientation. One of the challenges for you around this will be finding ways to be faithful to your call and the expression of the gifts you have been given….while negotiating your way around some anger you may feel about the church’s blind spots...
And so my word of commissioning to you today is to be attentive to the anger, but do not let it paralyze you.
May it become a kind of righteous indignation
A slow-burning Pentecost fire in your belly that keeps all of us yearning for that day when our churches will look like God’s dream of an inclusive, beloved community.
Anger is a power. Use your powers for good."
You may not agree. You may not even agree that I should be ordained because of my gender. But I wept with my friends today. I wept because their call to ministry has been denied by so many. Their call is denied by the tradition that I hold near and dear to my heart. But I wept for joy, too. I wept as stoles were draped around their necks to honor their call. I wept because I promised to be an advocate. I wept in solidarity. I wept. We wept. I believe God wept.
The church continues. It continues as the sign, symbol, and presence of God's reign on earth. I will be present, and I will work. Hard. I have been called to the vocation of ministry. And out of my own calling is a responsibility to acknowledge, support, and advocate for others to fulfill their callings.
I wept today. I wept out of deep sadness. I wept from the experience of joy.
It was a service of celebration. Celebrate with me. Amen. BEAT
05 May 2009
04 May 2009